Meet Carla

Welcome to my blog. I am Carla, a mother, writer and nutritionist.

Despite the fact that my career has taken a backseat since having children, everything I learnt prior to kids has stood me in good stead for what I’ve had to deal with since. Luckily (or by design if you believe the universe does things for a reason), I had a background in nutrition and health psychology so I was well set up for the road ahead. 

My goal is to share with you my experiences and knowledge about the wonderful healing nature of food.  I will provide you some ideas to help make it easier when you are dealing with autism, allergies or other dietary restrictions.  I really want to motivate you and inspire you to think outside the box (and hopefully to have some fun along the way). So please join my journey and share my passion for wellness and nutritious delicious eating!

I’m reliably informed that people (that’s you) will want to know what credentials I have, so here’s a brief synopsis. I began my university studies at Monash University, leaving with a psychology/philosophy double major. With a keen interest in disease prevention and how people think and feel about food, I moved to La Trobe University, where I obtained a Post Graduate Diploma in Health Psychology. I then went on to teach healthy cooking classes whilst completing 20 subjects of a Nutritional Medicine degree at The Melbourne College of Natural Medicine (now Endeavour). I continued my nutrition studies at Deakin University, gaining a Certificate in Human Nutrition. Because I am so passionate about nutrition I continue to read, research and experiment constantly, and I don't think I'll ever stop. 

Although my studies started in adulthood, my passion for experimenting in the kitchen began when I was a child, as my mother can attest.  She would also tell you that my experiments taste a lot better now than they did then! I hope that with my knowledge and experience I can inspire you to explore the world of nutritious foods and help you to feel healthy and energised.

May you be full of beans,



  1. Hi there Carla! Loving your blog.

  2. Thank you so much Jesse. It makes it all worthwhile when others can enjoy my journey too :)
