Most people understand a football fanatic
getting pumped about scoring a winning goal or a foodie raving about a new
restaurant. It seems strange to me that the average person doesn’t fully
appreciate my excitement about nutrition research. I am hoping that you, my
readers, will be able to share in my delight about the recent findings on
saturated fat. I was practically jumping
for joy when I read the 18/03/14 Annals of Internal Medicine journal article
debunking the myth that saturated fat is evil.
What I (and many other likeminded people) have been saying for years has
finally been shown to be correct. Yippee!
This study by Rajiv Chowdhury and his
colleagues is a massive meta-analysis. What this means is that instead of relying on
a single study, a group of researchers have collated a large number of studies
from 18 countries, including over 600,000 participants, to come to a much more
reliable conclusion than any one investigation could easily produce.
The researchers discovered
that when comparing people who ate the greatest and the least amounts of
saturated fat, there was no significant difference in their risk of heart
disease. This is actually not a new finding. In 2010 another large
meta-analysis was published by Siri-Tarino et al., in which they concluded that
saturated fat is not associated with an increased risk of coronary heart
disease or cardiovascular disease.
Despite the research, it takes a long time
to change the thinking of whole populations, not to mention governments and
health professionals. For those who have been espousing low saturated fat
consumption for so long, change doesn’t come easily. The main criticism leveled
at Chowdhury et al’s findings relates to the fact that the authors failed to
discuss the type of food that replaced the saturated fat. However, The New York
times has quoted Chowdhury as saying "It's the high carbohydrate or sugary
diet that should be the focus of dietary guidelines…If anything is driving your
low-density lipoproteins in a more adverse way, it's carbohydrates."
Why do I find this research so exciting?
Because it means that people can finally eat whole food, goodness and all, without
the guilt. No more low fat this and that, replace fat with sugar for flavor,
eat man
made margarine instead of the real deal (yes butter is okay), avoid the eggs, take off the skin…just eat the food how nature
intended. And my beloved coconut is finally off the hook and can be
appreciated as the wonderful food it really is.
Before you start a feeding frenzy there are of course a couple
of caveats I need to point out. Firstly, bear in mind that fat of any sort is a
very energy dense (high calorie) food. Secondly, as with anything, moderation
is the key. Whilst I do not have any problem with fat as part of a whole food,
much saturated fat is consumed in the form of manufactured foods. These 'foods'
also usually include large amounts of the stuff we really should be avoiding;
sugar and refined carbohydrates. Also, bear in mind that the composition of
animal fat has changed a lot with modern farming. Whilst we usually associate
animal products such as beef, chicken, eggs and dairy with saturated fat, they
also include significant amounts of unsaturated fat. This unsaturated fat is
part omega 3 (the good fat) and part omega 6 (the fat we usually have too much
of). When you choose grass-fed, free-range products you massively increase the
ratio of omega 3 in relation to omega 6 (because the grain feed is much higher
in omega 6 fat than the grass), which greatly benefits your health. So not only
are the animals happier, but you will be too.
The bottom line in my opinion is to eat whole foods, fat and
all, sensibly and in moderation. And although some saturated fat is fine, also
include fat from fish, nuts, seeds (especially unheated flaxseeds and chia
seeds), avocado and olive oil. And with all the talk about fat, don't forget
your veges.
May you be full of beans and whole foods (fat and all),
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